Michael Liebowitz

Michael Liebowitz, co-author of Down the Rabbit Hole, is an inmate at the Osborne Correctional Institute in Somers, CT. Deconstructing that culture, Down The Rabbit Hole offers a unique perspective on why corrections more often than not fails to achieve its stated goals.





Listen to 1080 WTIC while Todd Feinburg talks to Connecticut’s favorite inmate Michael Liebowitz

LISTEN at work or while you surf.

“After listening to the podcasts, very impressed. Not just Michael, but Brent and the two or three other inmates Todd has had on. They are ALL proof that prisoners CAN be rehabilitated. They just have to do most of the work themselves….” Linda J.


Michael Liebowitz, an inmate of 23 years in the Connecticut Correctional System, talks about Socialism. What exactly is it? Why does it persist? How do we combat it? We discuss.

We discuss racism with prisoner Michael Liebowitz, who says his 23 years in prison put him in a strong position of knowledge regarding race relations. Plus, he’s an avid reader on the issue.

We play our Rant Line calls and take live calls – including one from Michael Liebowitz, LIVE from prison. Topics include Trump’s reelection chances and Bastille Day.

Michael Liebowitz, an inmate of 22 years in the Connecticut Correctional System, talks about Statue Removal, Race Relations, and moving forward in the post-George Floyd America. We discuss.

Michael Liebowtiz, our original favorite CT prisoner, discusses with Todd all the racial issues that the country is working thru in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing. As a prisoner of over 20 years, Michael shares his unique perspective.